About us
This website is dedicated to the short-lived Broadway musical Dance of the Vampires (2002/03). We want to offer resources and analyses, and a place for fans to gather, discuss, and share – be it memories of seeing it on stage or be it fanworks. This is an entirely fannish project, made with love and intended for educational and entertainment purposes, and we make no money from this. We are in no way affiliated with Jim Steinman, the Vereinigte Bühnen Wien GmbH, or the Minskoff Theatre (Nederlander Organization); no copyright infringement is intended.
Both for comments on blog entries and for participation in the message board, the main rule is: Be courteous, both to other fans and to the hard-working people that were involved in the production.
Discussion of other Tanz der Vampire incarnations is welcome, as is civilised criticism of DOTV, but please refrain from personal attacks on the cast & crew. We know that DOTV was a financial and critical disaster galore, but we are here to focus on the positive aspects of the Broadway version and celebrate its campy glamour in fic, art, and meta.
The blog articles on this website (not the message board contents!) will be mirrored to our Dreamwidth Community and to our Tumblr blog; you are also welcome to join the discussion there.

As you can see, this website is still under construction. Please check back soon. If you would like to contribute, for example with recollections of your first contact with DOTV, with photos, opinion pieces, or fanart, get in touch with us please.
A word about the website itself: When we first conceived this idea, we immediately knew that we wanted this to bring back the style and feel of nineteen-ninety-something, albeit without sacrificing responsive design. If you remember the joy of the Geocities era and fannish web rings, then you know what we mean. Even the professional DOTV promotion website, now defunct, was brimming with 1990s aesthetics. We had saved some of its style elements (gif files, a few banners) and we include them here as a tribute. Our URL was formerly home to the original DOTV fansite (created by Rob Diamond) in the early 2000s. We are very happy that we could save this piece of fannish history and revive it.